Every day we encounter advertising, whether it’s in newspapers or magazines, outdoor billboards, television or even on the internet. 


In today’s world Advertising is everywhere and is a major aspect of graphic design. The designer uses images and words to convey a message to an audience and tries to persuade its viewers to take some action with regards to the products or services advertised.

Michelin Man

Advertising has been used since the time of the great Egyptians with their papyrus sales messages and posters.  During the Middle Ages, as the general public was illiterate, simple images and colours where used to distinguish products and services.  Over the years it has evolved into a fiercely competitive and complex business, and one to which the majority of trained graphic designers desire.

Advertising US Army

Because advertising is such a diverse field it creates vast job opportunities.  With the development of digital media so came the introduction of digital advertising, such as television and cinema and more recently internet advertising, social network advertising and mobile advertising on cellular phones and tablets.  But it’s the more traditional print advertising which requires the skills of graphic design.  Catchy phrases, types of images, how words and images are arranged; these are what the designer needs to master, and you need to be consistent and persistent.

Advertising Benetton

But if advertising is not for you, there are still a number of avenues for you to try…  Next up –

Aspects of Graphic Design: Illustration

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